Category: Articles

August 11th, 2015 by Mark Henkel

“I believe in choice. I believe in your power to make a choice to change your life. Choice can change the world.” I state this soundbite in my speech, The Anti-Socialist.

The power of choice is one of humanity’s greatest powers. We could even smilingly call it a “super-power.” At every situation of life, we face options of choice.

Sometimes, criteria by which we will make a choice might limit us to otherwise think that we have “no choice.” However, to quote the lyrics of the song “Free Will” by the rock band, Rush, even “if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”

No matter what challenges we face, we must always remind ourselves that we have this “super-power.” With this self-awareness, we can consciously and pro-actively make bigger and more important choices to change the very lives we live. It all comes down to our choosing to make those choices.

Socialism interferes with the power of choice. It re-distributes the consequences of others’ choices, forcefully imposing new criteria that limit the choices that we ourselves would otherwise choose.

Ultimately, socialism interferes with the human power of choice. On a micro-level; it interferes with the power of a person to choose to change their life. On a macro-level, socialism interferes with the power of choice that could even change the world.

Because I believe in the power of choice, that is why I am an Anti-Socialist.

As part of the overall project to provide tools of shareable memes to polygamy supporters, the pic for this sound-bite has been posted on Pinterest.

The video for the entire speech is posted online.

It has also been embedded here below.

These three links (one to Youtube and two to Pinterest) are provided as tools for activists to use when working to persuade and encourage others to allow freedom for polygamists.

If you consider yourself a UCAP polygamy activist, the movement needs your help here.
Please follow/comment/share these three items on social media.

I believe in choice - Anti-Socialist - Mark Henkel

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August 10th, 2015 by Mark Henkel

No one likes to fail. Sometimes, failure can be downright painful – even devastating. Even so, as much as we human beings might try to hedge things to prevent failure, we must never eliminate it.

“We have to have failure to teach us to abandon foolishness.” I state this essential soundbite in my speech, The Anti-Socialist.

In the speech, I use an illustration of a fictional story of my playing a one-on-one basketball game with the legendary Michael Jordan. No doubt, in such a game, that basketball superstar would proverbially “wipe the floor” with me. The ending score would likely be 500-0. The lesson of the illustration is that I, as a non-athlete, need that failure to teach me to not think that I am any kind of “equal” with Michael Jordan’s basketball skills. It teaches me to abandon that foolishness so that I would instead go do something else at which I am good.

This is a fundamental lesson for all of humanity. Failure can teach us when we simply must stop wasting our time and effort trying something and to instead go do something else. It teaches us to re-direct our energy toward endeavors at which we can achieve excellence.

But socialism is a proverbial “backstop” that prevents the education from failure. More directly put, socialism is a foolishness-continuer – which is why socialism always leads to mediocrity. As it seeks to equalize outcomes, socialism utterly bounces the failure back as if it was a success. When everyone is “equal” in outcomes, people with lesser, mediocre, or no skills are deceptively misled into wrongly thinking that they are good enough to continue. Without that failure, there is no teacher to abandon foolishness so as to go do something else.

Absolutely, humanity fundamentally needs failure. That is why I am an Anti-Socialist.

As part of the larger project to provide tools of shareable memes to polygamy supporters, the pic for this sound-bite has been posted on Pinterest.

The video for the entire speech is posted online.

It has also been embedded here below.

These three links (one to Youtube and two to Pinterest) are provided as tools for activists to use when working to persuade and encourage others to allow freedom for polygamists.

If you consider yourself a UCAP polygamy activist, the movement needs your help here.
Please follow/comment/share these three items on social media.

We have to have Failure to teach us - Anti-Socialist - Mark Henkel

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August 9th, 2015 by Mark Henkel

Without the hope of reward, humanity has little to no incentive for self-improvement. That is why I am an Anti-Socialist.

“Humanity requires the hope of reward to inspire us to self-improvement. “ I make this important soundbite in my speech, The Anti-Socialist.

In the speech, I use an example of the legendary Michael Jordan to demonstrate the process by which he became the famous superstar basketball player. When he was younger, he had the hope of reward. So he practiced, got better (self-improvement), and with victory, he got his first reward. He then parlayed that, had a new hope of reward, practiced, got even better, achieved even greater victories, and earned even better rewards. With each new reward, Michael Jordan would subsequently have new and larger hope of rewards, which inspired him to work even that much harder to become even that much better – for ever greater and greater rewards. He reached the pinnacle of superstardom in basketball, inspired by the hope of rewards.

This is a fundamental lesson for all of us. The hope of reward can inspire us to work harder to self-improvement. Thereby, we can achieve amazing things. Truly, we human beings can be amazing when we are inspired!

But socialism puts a proverbial “wet blanket” to douse the “fire” of inspiration. More directly put, socialism is a hope-killer. As it seeks to equalize outcomes, socialism utterly removes the essential hope of reward. When everyone is “equal” in outcomes, there is no hope of reward. And without that hope, there is no inspiration, incentive, or even reason for anyone to try to self-improve.

Absolutely, humanity fundamentally needs the hope of reward. That is why I am an Anti-Socialist.

As part of the project to provide tools of shareable memes to polygamy activists, the pic for this sound-bite has been posted on Pinterest.

The video for the entire speech is posted online.

It has also been embedded here below.

These three links (one to Youtube and two to Pinterest) are provided as tools for supporters to use when working to persuade and encourage others to allow freedom for polygamists.

If you consider yourself a UCAP polygamy activist, the movement needs your help here.
Please follow/comment/share these three items on social media.

Humanity requires the hope of reward to inspire us - Anti-Socialist - Mark Henkel

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August 8th, 2015 by Mark Henkel

I am an Anti-Socialist because I care about the fundamental requirements and needs of humanity.

“The truth is: humanity requires the hope of reward and failure. That’s right. We need both.” I declare this soundbite in my speech, The Anti-Socialist.

For as long as a person has the hope of reward, they will work hard to achieve something they value. With that hope of reward, a person will research what needs to be done, study it, learn it, practice it, develop it, improve it, try it, fail at it, correct it, re-try it, and perfect it. But when that hope of reward is not there even to begin with, or no longer exists, or is removed, a person will not have the inspiration to work as hard or even to try at all.

Likewise, humanity needs failure too. Lessons are gained though the process: attempt, failure, learn, correct, and re-attempt. Moreover, failure teaches a person when they are doing something that is not best suited for their individual skills. For an example, an excellent artist needs to fail at trying to being a basketball star in order to teach them to instead direct their efforts on being the excellent artist they actually are.

Socialism attempts to equalize outcomes. To do that, socialism removes the hope of reward and removes failure. And without these fundamental needs, human nature itself is ultimately crushed, making people to be living in hopelessness and learning mostly nothing.

Yes, humanity requires both the hope of reward and failure. That is why I am an Anti-Socialist.

As part of the larger project to provide tools of shareable memes to polygamy activists, the pic for this sound-bite has been posted on Pinterest.

The video for the entire speech is posted online.

It has also been embedded here below.

These three links (one to Youtube and two to Pinterest) are developed to be tools for activists to use when working to persuade and encourage others to allow freedom for polygamists.

If you consider yourself a UCAP polygamy activist, the movement needs your help here.
Please follow/comment/share these three items on social media.

Hope of Reward and Failure - Anti-Socialist - Mark Henkel

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August 7th, 2015 by Mark Henkel

Socialism is the disincentivization of excellence.

No matter how great a level of excellence that a person performs or achieves something, socialism either prohibits or re-distributes the rewards for that excellence to those who have not achieved to that same level. By removing the incentive of rewards, those who would otherwise work to achieve such excellence will simply give up.

Ultimately, the disincentive from socialism dumbs-down everything to mediocrity.

“Socialism Seriously Stomps Special Skills.” I declare this soundbite in my speech, The Anti-Socialist.

Yes, my speech does not directly address anything about UCAP – unrelated consenting adult polygamy. But realizing the point of this meme sound-bite does apply nevertheless. Big government being used to force OMOW – one man one woman – doctrine is what I identify as marital socialism. Because men are disincentivized to improve their husbandhood-skills with which to attract women, society has now become defined as what I call, “the era of dumbed-down males.”

However, if you allow women a choice, they will choose the better men – even if such a good man is already a proven-good-husband. And then THAT will incentivize other men to start self-improving. As such, this big government marital socialism has seriously stomped the special skills of good husbandhood.

As part of the overarching project to provide polygamy supporters with tools of shareable memes, the pic for this sound-bite has been posted on Pinterest.

The video for the entire speech is posted online.

It has also been embedded here below.

These three links (one to Youtube and two to Pinterest) are developed to be tools for activists to use when working to persuade and encourage others to allow freedom for polygamists.

If you consider yourself a UCAP polygamy activist, the movement needs your help here.
Please follow/comment/share these three items on social media.

Socialism Seriously Stomps Special Skills - Anti-Socialist - Mark Henkel

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August 6th, 2015 by Mark Henkel

Socialists do not understand what real equality means.

To be clear, I wholly and emphatically believe in equality among humankind. But equality does not mean that there are no differences in the content of different people’s characters or no differences in the levels of their performances and/or achievements. As I am an Anti-Socialist, this distinction is important to understand.

“Socialists say, ‘We need to have equality.’ But instead of being an equality of opportunity, it’s an equality of outcome. “ I declare this soundbite in my speech, The Anti-Socialist.

In the speech, I present an example of what would happen if I played a one-on-one game of basketball with renowned basketball legend, Michael Jordan. Beyond any doubt, in such a game, that superstar would metaphorically “wipe the floor with me.” I would clearly end up losing the game with the final score being something like 500-0.

To a socialist, that ending score of 500-0 would be said to be “unfair.” In order to “make us equal,” a socialist would then take 250 points from Michael Jordan’s score and give them to me. Thereby making the score 250-250, the socialist would then say that I am “equal” with Michael Jordan.

But the truth is indisputable. When it comes to basketball, I am most definitely NOT an “equal” with Michael Jordan. While he and I both had equal opportunity to become great at basketball, the fact remains that he chose to do that and achieved it. And I did not. We both have equality of opportunity, but not equality of outcome.

While my speech does not directly address anything about UCAP (unrelated consenting adult polygamy), understanding the point of this meme sound-bite does apply nevertheless. Using big government to force OMOW (one man one woman) doctrine is what I call marital socialism. Instead of providing an equality of opportunity for marriage, it seeks to forcefully impose an equality of outcome. With a line that would make Karl Marx proud, it declares, “One for Each so that Each Might have One!”

As part of the larger project to empower polygamy activists with tools of shareable memes, the pic for this sound-bite has been posted on Pinterest.

The video for the entire speech is posted online.

It has also been embedded here below.

These three links (one to Youtube and two to Pinterest) are created to be tools for supporters to use when working to persuade others to allow freedom for polygamists.

If you consider yourself a UCAP polygamy activist, the movement needs your help here.
Please follow/comment/share these three items on social media.

equality of outcome - Anti-Socialist - Mark Henkel

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August 5th, 2015 by Mark Henkel

Many people do not understand what the word, “socialism,” actually means. When they hear that I am an Anti-Socialist, they will ask, “Being an Anti-Socialist… that means you hate people, right?” No, the truth is the exact opposite. I care very much about the human spirit.

“I am an Anti-Socialist precisely because I DO care about people.” I make this soundbite in my speech, The Anti-Socialist.

When I explain UCAP (unrelated consenting adult polygamy) to conservatives, it is important for them to see that I really am committed to limited government values. Being an Anti-Socialist certainly established that fact about me – and it helps conservatives trust that I am not trying to circumvent their own values.

But when liberals hear that I am an Anti-Socialist, they have heard it associated with conservatism so frequently that it can cause them concern about me. Hence, it is important to help liberals understand the very heart of why I am an Anti-Socialist – it is that I do genuinely care about people.

By posting this soundbite as a shareable meme, both conservatives and liberals are able to have their separate concerns about me allayed. By removing such concerns, I am better able to help both sides see that their own (yet separate) values do compel both sides to embrace the Polygamy Rights Win-Win Solution to end the marriage control war: abolish all government marriage control for unrelated consenting adults.

As part of the larger project to empower pro-polygamy supporters with tools of shareable memes, the pic for this sound-bite has been posted on Pinterest.

The video for the entire speech is posted online.

It has also been embedded here below.

These three links (one to Youtube and two to Pinterest) are designed to be tools for activists to use when seeking to persuade others to allow freedom for us UCAPs, unrelated consenting adult polygamists and polygamy supporters.

If you consider yourself a UCAP polygamy activist, the movement needs your help here. Please follow/comment/share these three items on social media.

Because I do care about people - Anti-Socialist - Mark Henkel

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August 4th, 2015 by Mark Henkel

My speech, The Anti-Socialist, opens with a key soundbite of my own self-description. Although this particular speech is not actually about polygamy, its purpose is to provide a background-insight for helping others understand why I make the various polygamy arguments I make.

No doubt, identifying myself as an “anti-socialist” is the most accurate way to describe my life-philosophy, politics, and ideology.

I believe that people must be rewarded for their achievements. Therefore, they need to have hope that those rewards will be there for them. Any thing or philosophy that tries to remove incentive from achievement is hostile both both against humanity itself and against the very nature of how humans need to have hope.

Moreover, when explaining polygamy rights for UCAPs (unrelated consenting adult polygamists) with political conservatives, establishing my anti-socialist credibility immediately pre-empts such conservatives from trying to summarily dismiss me from debate. By pre-emptively removing their barrier that way, I am able to more successfully help them see that their own conservative values compel them to embrace what I propose. Namely, the polygamy rights win-win solution to end the marriage debate simply calls for abolishing all government marriage control for unrelated consenting adults.

Hence, I am most definitely an anti-socialist.

As part of the ongoing project to provide activists with tools of shareable memes, the above-shown pic for this sound-bite has been posted on Pinterest.

The video for the entire speech is posted online.

It has also been embedded here below.

These three links (one to Youtube and two to Pinterest) are designed to be tools for activists to use when seeking to persuade others to allow freedom for us UCAPs, unrelated consenting adult polygamists and polygamy supporters.

If you consider yourself a UCAP polygamy activist, the movement needs your help here. Please follow/comment/share these three items on social media.

My Name is Mark Henkel and I am an Anti-Socialist

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