June 26 - from 1993 to 2023 - Milestones
June 26th, 2023 by Mark Henkel

Today is June 26, 2023.

For me, this is a very special day. Indeed, it was 30 years ago today when the whole issue of advocating polygamy began for me – June 26, 1993.

Since then, the founding of the modern Christian Polygamy movement began, making it possible for the overall larger movement of UCAP, Unrelated Consenting Adult Polygamy, and catapulting me onto the national stage as the National Polygamy Advocate ™.

Over these last 30 years, numerous amazing milestones have occurred – each one of them happening on June 26th too. For me, I find that the the totality of these milestones become confirmations, individually and collectively. While we still have more to go, our progress is still profound!

The details – including listing the numerous milestones – are offered in Episode #275 of the National Polygamy Advocate ™ PODCAST. Be sure to listen to, subscribe to, and to please SHARE with others.

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