For me, this is a very special day. Indeed, it was 30 years ago today when the whole issue of advocating polygamy began for me – June 26, 1993.
Since then, the founding of the modern Christian Polygamy movement began, making it possible for the overall larger movement of UCAP, Unrelated Consenting Adult Polygamy, and catapulting me onto the national stage as the National Polygamy Advocate ™.
Over these last 30 years, numerous amazing milestones have occurred – each one of them happening on June 26th too. For me, I find that the the totality of these milestones become confirmations, individually and collectively. While we still have more to go, our progress is still profound!
The details – including listing the numerous milestones – are offered in Episode #275 of the National Polygamy Advocate ™ PODCAST. Be sure to listen to, subscribe to, and to please SHARE with others.
Today is August 19th in the numeric 21st year of the new century, the year 2021.
Ever since the first celebration in the year 2001, pro-polygamists have been celebrating on every August 19th of each year. That means that today is Polygamy Day ® 21! We have now been doing this for two decades!
Due to lockdown restrictions (et al) for COVID-19, this last year has been rather difficult for unrelated consenting adult polygamy supporters (UCAPs).
The web-site provides the details of events that have happened over the past year, as it reports how August 19, 2021, is Polygamy Day ® 21.
Rather than having me repeat those all again here, please do be sure to read those links from both and
No matter where you are or no matter who you are, if you support the liberty, the rights, and the freedom for unrelated consenting adult polygamy (UCAP), please do find some time today to consider, contemplate, assess, and strategize – all while also still being sure to celebrate.
Despite this past year of difficulties, we will one day have our freedom too…
Seven years ago, this meme-graphic was made to celebrate the then-50th Anniversay of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech.”
It captures a quote that I had made in an article from 12 years ago when I had directly re-iterated MLK’s “Dream” as it applies to UCAP, Unrelated Consenting Adult Polygamy.
Two years later, which was five years ago, today, I made a blog post here that gives the details, titled,
Today is August 19th in the numeric 20th year of the new century, the year 2020.
Ever since the first celebration in the year 2001, pro-polygamists have been celebrating on every August 19th of each year. That means that today is Polygamy Day ® 20! We have now been doing this for two decades!
This last year has given unrelated consenting adult polygamy supporters (UCAPs) a new milestone, a new victory, a new fear, and a historic celebration – all to consider during this annual event.
The web-site provides the details of those important events that have happened over the past year, as it reports how August 19, 2020, is Polygamy Day ® 20.
Rather than having me repeat those all again here, please do be sure to read those links from both and
No matter where you are or no matter who you are, if you support the liberty, the rights, and the freedom for UCAP (unrelated consenting adult polygamy), please do find some time today to assess, consider, contemplate, and strategize – all while also still being sure to celebrate.
On August 18, 1920, the necessary 36th State ratified the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution. From that date forward, women finally had the right to vote in elections in the United States of America.
That was 100 years ago today. The webite,, details some history of the 19th Amendment here.
The right for women to choose Unrelated Consenting Adult Polygamy (UCAP) has always been a “women’s choice” issue as far as polygamists are concerned.
Truly, if anti-polygamy laws were supposedly about “equal rights” for women (as anti-polygamists try to falsely propgandize), then why did it take decades and decades more before male politicians ever let women have the right to vote?
No, that fact proves that anti-polygamy laws were NEVER about so-called egalitarianism for women whatosever.
Ultimately, anti-polyamy laws remove the free choice option from women being able to choose Unrelated Consenting Adult Polygamy if they perceive that it could work for them.
Because pro-polygamists have always seen this fight for polygamy rights as a “women’s choice” issue, it is a matter of course that UCAPs have also and always celebrated women getting the right to vote with the August 18, 1920, ratification of the 19th Amendment, 100 years ago today.
Today is August 19th in the numeric 19th year of the new millenium, the year 2019.
Ever since the first celebration in the year 2001, pro-polygamists have been celebrating on every August 19th of each year. That means that today is Polygamy Day ® 19!
This last year has given unrelated consenting adult polygamy supporters (UCAPs) a number of anniversaries and milestones to happily celebrate this annual event.
The web-site details the important events that have happened over the previous year, as it reports how August 19, 2019, is Polygamy Day ® 19.
Rather than having me repeat them again here, please do be sure to read those links from both and
No matter where you are or who you are, if you support freedom for UCAP (unrelated consenting adult polygamy), please do find some time today to assess, consider, contemplate, and strategize – all while also still being sure to celebrate.
No, this is not just the opening lyric from the famous Beatles song, “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”
Twenty years ago today, the standard of “Love-not-Force” was first set on July 13, 1999. What first started as a standard for Christian Polygamy grew beyond that over these past 2 decades – becoming something larger now, that even non-Christians and non-polygamists can embrace it too.
Love-not-force established that a husband must never force polygamy on a wife, that he must only love her so deeply that she, herself, chooses to embrace polygamy for the family by her own consent and genuine assent.
For Christians who believe in God and the Bible, the standard exhorted, “If you believe that God has promised you anything, including polygamy, then let God be God. From the Genesis story, let God bring your Isaac, don’t force your Ishmael.“ It brought a Biblically proof-texted full-stop-sign end to an emerging false doctrine that had come to be known as “force polygamy.” With Love-not-Force, a man in Christian Polygamy must only love his wife, not force polygamy on her – ever. A website,, was begun so as to provide a public detailing of these principles for even the most “die-hard fundamentalist” Christians who felt compelled to still insist on force polygamy.
Thereby, as a standard for living, Love-not-Force first originated for the new and young sub-movement Christian Polygamy. A few years later, it had grown to become the standard for the larger overall movement of Unrelated Consenting Adult Polygamy (UCAP) of all forms. And since that second phase, it has subsequently even become a standard that everyone and anyone can embrace as a personal living standard.
To wit, as a way of life for anyone even beyond the issue of polygamy, Love-not-Force centers around three important insights for understanding – and loving – any of our fellow human beings:
“A person forced against their willis of the same opinion still.”
“People don’t care what you know ’till they know that you care.”
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Many readers might recognize that third line as being called “the Golden Rule.” Although the line comes from Christianity, it is such a powerful line that most people understand that one does not even have to “be” a Christian in order to choose it as a way of life.
In the same way, whether one is a Christian or not, and whether one supports polygamy or not,…
Love-not-Force can be a way of life for anyone.
This short speech from 8 years ago explains the history and why anyone would want to embrace this standard as a way of life: Love-not-Force.
This week, I found 5 – yes FIVE! – new books that have cited me by name in their books! This brings the total to 9 known books doing this.
To make these public, a new PDF file was created. All 9 known books have been organized using a formal Bibliograpy format in alphebetical order of the authors. These BOOK Citations are listed on the first page of the 2-page PDF file: CITATIONS.
Bibliography of BOOK Citations of Mark Henkel
Because it just made sense to do so, a second page of the 2-page PDF file was also added.