Bibliography of Book Citations of Mark Henkel
January 16th, 2019 by Mark Henkel

This week, I found 5 – yes FIVE! – new books that have cited me by name in their books! This brings the total to 9 known books doing this.

To make these public, a new PDF file was created. All 9 known books have been organized using a formal Bibliograpy format in alphebetical order of the authors. These BOOK Citations are listed on the first page of the 2-page PDF file: CITATIONS.

Bibliography of Book Citations of Mark Henkel
Bibliography of BOOK Citations of Mark Henkel

Because it just made sense to do so, a second page of the 2-page PDF file was also added.

Using the same formal bibliogrpahy format, the currently known DISSERTATION & THESIS Citations are listed on the second page of
the 2-page PDF file: CITATIONS.

Bibliography of Dissertation and Thesis Citations of Mark Henkel
Bibliography of Dissertation and Thesis Citations of Mark Henkel

A new CITATIONS button was then added to the front page of this website, alongside the ONE SHEET and COVER LETTER buttons.

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