Mr. Henkel originated the now-famous sound-bite,
"'Polygamy rights' is the next civil rights battle."
NEWSWEEK quoted him as saying,
"If Heather can have two mommies, why can't she have two mommies AND a daddy?"
On ABC's "20/20", Mr. Henkel told John Stossel,
"Someone like a Hugh Hefner will have a successful television show with three live-in girlfriends. And that's all okay. And he's making great money, and that's fine and great entertainment. But suddenly, if that man was to marry them, then suddenly he's a criminal. That's insane!"
Other famous sound-bites originated by Mark Henkel:
"Anti-polygamy is the REAL 'slippery slope' that LED to same sex marriage."
"No special rights for anyone. No special rights for homosexuals, and no special rights for those who   choose 'one-man/one-woman.'"